Friday, May 8, 2020

Which One Doesn't Belong

We have been having a lot of fun playing Which One Doesn't Belong. These are though provoking puzzles. There are no right or wrong answers you just need to support your answer with logic.

Work for Week of May 11

Friday, May 1, 2020

Which One Doesn't Belong

We have been having a lot of fun playing Which One Doesn't Belong. These are though provoking puzzles. There are no right or wrong answers you just need to support your answer with logic.

Hats on for Mental Health

Hats on for Mental Health | Maryview School

All week (May 4-8), students are encouraged to wear. hats to their meets for 
Hats On For Mental Health Week.

This is an optional fun activity for the students. 

Work for May 4 - 8

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Math Game - Add 3 Numbers


Material Variations:

You could play this game with 2 dice or four dice.
You could create a spinner and use 2 spinners (numbers 0-10)
Play with a deck of card (remove the face cards)

One Player:

Record the total of your dice/spinners. After 10 turns circle the largest and smallest numbers

Two or More Players:

Person with the largest number gets the tally mark
Person with smallest number gets the tally mark
Person closes to (Pick a number) gets the tally mark

Learning Tasks of April 14-17

Friday, April 3, 2020

Math Games for April 6-9

Hi Parents,

Here is the selection of math games for your child to play this week! Please see this week's learning plan for further guidance. 

Learning Tasks for April 6-9

Learning Tasks for April 6-9

Friday, April10th is Good Friday and therefore no learning tasks are assigned for this day.
We will not be collecting assignments for this week. If your child would like to share their writing with their teacher they may upload onto Iris or send it to us via email.

  • Word work - Students all know the word work group they are assigned to be in. 
  • Writing - Students will have writing lessons on Monday and Wednesday at 12:00. It may be beneficial to wait until after the lesson to begin these writing tasks.
  • Math - The math games are suggestions. Feel free to play some of the other math games we have introduced this year or last year. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Happy April Fool's Day

Today is April Fool's Day. Did you play any tricks or pranks?
Leanne gave the food and items in the kitchen eyes. Mrs. Holman thought the food was watching her.

This is a video link to a short video about April Fool's Day.

Possible learning activities:
  • Write a story about the food coming to life.
  • Write a silly joke or riddle.
  • Write steps/instructions for a silly prank.
  • Create a silly math question like the ones below.
    • There are 9 children wearing masks at school. 7 more kids put on masks. How may children are wearing masks altogether?
    • 52 cows go to the restaurant to eat ice cream. 25 more cows go to the restaurant. How many cows are at the restaurant altogether?
    • 95 chickens are doing the chicken dance. 49 chickens get tired and decide to sit down. How many chickens are still dancing? 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


If you chose to come to the school to gather your child’s belongings, their cubby should include: 
·       A green writing book 
·       A yellow math book 
·       A word work book (this may be red, yellow, blue, green, or pink)
·       A light blue drawing book 
·       A green duotang for robotics
·       Indoor shoes
When we all return to school, please ensure you bring these important learning materials back. 

Student's Belongings

Hello CJP families,
Please see in the schedule below the pick-up times for you to pick-up your child’s personal belongings and return library and home reading materials.
We have divided the pick-up times into several sessions to assist with social distancing. We respectfully request that only ONE parent enter the school to reduce the number of people visiting the building. We recommend that children stay home as this will likely be a difficult time for them to remain a safe distance away from peers and friends, however, this remains a parent decision as we are not allowed to restrict student access to the building for belonging pick-up.  
Please bring a backpack or shopping bag as most children have many items that will need to be taken home. Please do NOT take the bin holding your child’s items.  All lost and found items will also be in the gym.
If your child has medication stored at school, please check in with the teacher who will be at a table in the hall. They will be able to provide you with your child’s medications.
If you are unable to pick-up at your scheduled time, please plan to pick-up in the additional times scheduled.
If you are only dropping off library books and home reading materials, a bin will be located at the front entrance for these items. Personal items (Inside Shoes) not picked up will remain at the school for pick-up when school resumes. School work remaining will be recycled.
Please plan to enter through the unlocked front doors and proceed directly to the gym where all belongings are located. We ask that you exit through the gym doors (south or east).
Thank you

First Letter of Student’s LAST name
Date and Time
A, B
Wednesday, March 18, 8:00 – 8:30 AM
C, D, E
Wednesday, March 18, 8:45 – 9:15 AM
F, G, H
Wednesday, March 18, 9:30 – 10:00 AM
I, J, K
Wednesday, March 18, 10:15 – 10:45 AM
L, M, N
Wednesday, March 18, 11:00 – 11:30 AM
O, P, Q, R
Wednesday, March 18, 11:45 – 12:15 PM
S, T
Wednesday, March 18, 12:30 –  1:00 PM
U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Wednesday, March 18, 1:15  – 1:45 PM
Additional Time
Wednesday, March 18, 2:30- 3:30 PM
Additional Time
Wednesday, March 18, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

Friday, March 13, 2020

Health Lesson

Today for health we had a lesson about staying healthy. 
We watched two Brain Pop videos: 

  • Colds and Flus
  • Washing Hands

You can watch the hand washing video at home for free. 

We did an excellent job with the quiz at the end.

Hopefully everyone practices good hand washing at home this weekend.

Image result for hand washing

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tom Baines Play - February 17

Our classes have the opportunity to attend Tom Baines' production of Madagascar on February 17. We will leave the school shortly after the 9:10 bell and will return in time for lunch. 

Please return all field trip consent forms by this Thursday, March 12.

THANK YOU to all the parents who have already offered to volunteer! Your quick response is much appreciated. 

Sunday, March 8, 2020

March 2-6

Rooms 20 and 21 were very busy week this week. We hope that your children have been sharing what we have been doing in class.

Art Felt

Both classes had two opportunities to work on the large whole school project. Students were excited to be back working with the wool. On our first day we made little pom poms; these will be sewn together for a larger mural. On our second day we made more pom poms and had the opportunity to work on the tree and heart for the large mural. Next week we will visit the Art Felt room to see how things are progressing.

 This is the felt when it has been cut into chunks.

 Felt was place in Easter eggs, cut side up. Water was added then we shook the egg for 3 minutes.

There are a few rinsing and rolling steps, but this is the end result. 
Ask your child to tell you the whole process. 

Social Studies/Art/Writing

This week we integrated many subject areas together for our learning. We wrote about the piece of art we created last week (Indigenous Landscape). This week we heard the story of Sam Livingston, Calgary's first settler/farmer. He was married to a Metis woman named Jane and they had 14 children. The classes used pencil crayons and oil pastels to create a landscape from their perspective. The students then wrote about this perspective. On Friday, students compared their two landscapes to decide which piece of art they felt was best and why. They also considered how they could improve their art. 

Friday, February 28, 2020

This Week

Tuesday - We completed our unit on Hot and Cold Temperatures with a test. The test will be coming home next week for parents to sign and return. Please watch the blog for more information. We will continue to look at the temperature each day. 
Image result for hot and cold temperature

Wednesday - It was so wonderful to see so many students in pink for the day. We started the day by writing 3 kind words. At the end of the day Ms. Kolkman shared a wordle (word picture) that was created using our words. The more times a word was used by the students the larger the word appears on the image. 

Thursday - Using oil pastels and pencil crayons students created a landscape of the Calgary area from the Indigenous perspective, before European settlers. This art will be on Iris soon so that you can admire your child's work. 

Friday - In Health we learned that we have many strengths. After a discussion students had the opportunity to start working on some writing to accompany this concept. Please discuss the worksheet with your child. We do not need the sheets to be returned.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Pink Shirt Day - Wednesday

Pink shirt day is on Wednesday, February 26. Students are encouraged to wear pink (or red) as a symbol for standing up to bullying and for kindness.

Here are a couple of resources explaining the history and the significance behind Pink Shirt Day:

Thursday, February 20, 2020

100th Day of School

Image result for 100 days smarter

Today we celebrated our 100th day of school. We started the day by completing two sentences:
I wish I had 100 ...
I don't want ...
The answers were funny, thoughtful, and intriguing. 

After lunch the students created art using the numerals in 100.
Image result for Art using the number 100

We also used an aging app and wrote about what we would be like at 100.
Mrs. Holman has a few more wrinkles.

Finally to end a very busy day we completed a special 100 day art project with our buddies.