Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Change in Dismissal effective October 21st

Dear Families,

Hand to hand dismissal it typically part of Kindergarten dismissal protocol.  We have extended this courtesy to all of our grade 1 and 2 families for the beginning of this school year. Starting on October 21st, grade 1 and 2 students will be dismissed at the end of the day from their classrooms by the teacher. Teachers will not be standing at the door to ensure you are there waiting for your child. This is a great next step for many students to build their sense of independence and responsibility.

We know that you always strive to be on time but it is important to help your child consider what to do if you are not there at the end of the day. Some topics you may want to discuss with your child:
·      What will they do if you are late?
·      Will they go with an arranged adult or to a spot?
·      How long should they wait before they go to the front of the school to get help from the office?
·      Where should they play while they wait?

We will continue to support our students with their independence and their sense of safety by:
·      Classroom discussions about safety
·      Coaching students about where to go if they find themselves outside the school building without their class, a staff member, or a parent
·      Identifying safe adults in the building and on the playground identified with CBE and CJP badges

If you have any questions or concerns please contact your child’s teacher.

Thank you,

The Grade 1 and 2 team

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